Medicinal Farming Training
Youth Farmers Training program of 5 States for Medicinal Plants cultivation held in Jaipur. A two-day training program was organized every month twice, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society organized hands on training program in sunrise Organic Park, Pinjrapole.
In this program, young farmers from five states took intensive training on the cultivation of medicinal crops Satavaria, Moringa, safed Mussuli, Ashwagandha, Stevia. The convener of the training program, said that on the first day, the information about the utility of medicinal crops, advanced organic farming was given in detail.
He also told about the process of grading, storage on center and state level schemes for medicinal plant cultivation and subsidy from the bank. On the second day, young farmers from Gujarat, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Uttarakhand, was demonstrating a field visit to sunrise Organic Park. These young farmers were given a live demo of biological compost, compost manure. Finally, information about the availability of farming of safed mushley, moringa and tulsi were providing to all the participants after that certificate distribution ceremony was organized.