Women Empowerment
Attaining Self reliance
Women Empowerment is the primary need to save nature's balance and humanity. Saving Girl child is a first and foremost responsibility of the society for its own sake. However, the alarming increase of Female Foeticide has drawn attention and generated a greater concern amongst the intellectuals, social activists and philanthropists. HCMS has taken up this issue and working vigorously on this highly sensitive social concern. It has initiated various awareness programs on saving dignity of the Girl Child. HCMS is focused on addressing sex discrimination issues leading to gender disparity in education & sex selection amongst the most vulnerable sections of society in urban and rural locations.
HCMS is focused on addressing sex discrimination issues leading to gender disparities in different sector of rural and urban society. For mitigating these disparities HCMS has conducted different practices at rural level. HCMS has strong orientation towards women empowerment with the formulation of Self-Help Groups. HCMS started work on the path of women empowerment from 2006-07 and created 1527 SHGs in different district of Rajasthan. Every group has 10 to 15 members, it means HCMS has collected about 20,000 women under its banner and push them on the path of empowerment. They are become financially strong and solving their problems with the help of their group and supporting each other in their problems. This cooperation and coordination make them economically and socially strong. Today these deprived women are feeling more dignified life in the society by the practices of HCMS and its staff. These group formations are supported by NABARD
Priyadarshini Yojana:-

Training Under Priyadarshani Program
The 'Priyadarshini Yojana' was aimed at forming a women's self help group to make them capable through orientation and skill building programs so as to generate income of each group at least 1100 per month. In this view, HCMS has benefited 80 women by forming their groups as SHGs in Kanota & Kacholia villages of Jaipur district. The key objective was to strengthen the rural women by skill upgradation which ultimately led to improve the income generation of their respective SHGs and by sustaining minimum monthly income targets (1100/ month or more), in future they will attain the position titled as 'Priyadarshini Adarsh SHGs HCMS initiated this Livelihood generating program for the villagers and poor ones residing in hamlets who had no access to credit facilities for starting income generation activities as means of livelihood due to poverty and lack of awareness
In view of faith & creditworthiness, HCMS promoted the notion of Self Help within Women so as to build their capacities, up skilling, raising awareness, inculcating marketing skills etc. Thus, it formed numerous Self Help Groups and looking after them in the means of technical backstopping. HCMS is extending its help in providing trainings & awareness to these deserving & energetic women groups in the form of vocational trades as mentioned below:
- Farming
- Kitchen gardening
- Animal Husbandry
- Sewing
- Dressmaking
- Handicrafts
- Dairy
- Knitting
- Basket weaving
- Aari Taari
- Embroidery
- Broom making
SHGs Bank Linkage Program of NABARD:
The program was launched as a pilot project by NABARD in 1992 (with a target of linking 500 SHGs in a year's time) has transformed into the world's largest micro-finance program, touching a phenomenal over 41 crore rural poor through 86 lakh SHG's.
We are feeling proud to state that we also became a partner of this program. NABARD has sanctioned us 4 projects under SHGs Bank Linkage Program. These are:
- 100 Bassi block of Jaipur district
- 200 SHGs Bank Linkage Program at Malpura block of Tonk district
- 300 SHGs Bank Linkage Program at Bassi & Chaksu block of Jaipur district
- 200 SHGs Bank Linkage Program at Todaraisingh block of Tonk district
Out of above first 3 projects have been completed & 4th one is under progress. We have developed & bank linked 640 SHGs in above projects.

SHG Program under NABARD
As per needs of the project we mobilize about 7000 women & organized them in 640 SHGs. Out of above SHGs 625 SHGs are linked with bank. They availed bank loan of more than 8.5 crors. Not even this we also identified suitable economic activity on the basis of available infrastructure.
SHG members are also provided skill development training on the selected economic activity including managerial skills. The SHGs are also linked with market. Now the working woman are able to earn about 6-7 thousand a month
Deendayal Antyoday Yojana- NULM:
Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY) with an aim to uplift the urban poor folks by enhancing sustainable livelihood opportunities through skill development. Keeping in view the objective ofMake in India, Skill Development is essential for socio economic betterment. Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana was launched under theMinistry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation(HUPA). Government of India has provisionedRs.500 crore for the scheme.
The scheme is integration of theNational Urban Livelihoods Mission(NULM) andNational Rural Livelihoods Mission(NRLM).
National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) is renamed as Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-(DAY-NULM) and in Hindi as - Rashtriya Shahri Aajeevika Mission. Under the scheme urban areas extends the coverage to all the 4041 statutory cities and towns, there by covering almost the entire urban population. Currently, all the urban poverty alleviating programs covered only 790 towns and cities. One of its component is Social Mobilization and Institution Development.
Social Mobilization and Institution Development:-
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) shall rest on the foundation that the mobilisation of urban poor households to form their own institutions is an important investment for an effective and sustainable poverty reduction programme. These institutions of the poor would partner with local self-governments, public service providers, banks, private sector and other mainstream institutions to facilitate delivery of social and economic services to the poor.
As per guidelines it will be done through formation of Self-Help Groups (SHG) for training members and hand holding, an initial support of 10, 000 is given for each group. Assistance of Rs.50, 000 is provided to Registered Area Level Federations.
We are also selected as RO for the following municipal areas
- Nagar Nigam Kota,
- Nagar Parishad Tonk,
- Nagar Palika Niwai.
- Nagar Palika Malpura,
- Nagar Palika Deoli
- Nagar Palika Todaraisingh
We have developed 652 SHGs & 40 Area Level Federations (ALFs) in above municipal areas under the scheme. An Area Level Federation (ALF) is an association of SHGs consisting of representatives from all member SHGs, with the objective of supporting member-SHGs, (guiding and monitor the functioning of SHGs and forming and training new SHGs). The federation of SHGs is essential to deal with larger issues like bank-linkage, inter-group lending, negotiations with higher level structures and to gain greater bargaining power over the rights and privileges of SHGs. We identified suitable economic activity on the basis of their qualification & available local infrastructure for each group. We provide skill training to the members of SHGs & linked them with banks.

Chairman Malpura is providing Assistance of Rs. 50000/ to registered ALFs
Revolving Fund to SHGs :
Government provides a Revolving Fund of Rs.10000 to each SHG after 6 months of its constitution. Similarly Government provides a Revolving Fund of Rs.50000 to each Area Level Federation after registration.
Program of Assistance to SHGs & registered ALFs at Kota
Shahari Smraddhi Yojana:
Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs, announced a series of events named ‘Shehri Samridhi Utsav’ from February 1, 2019 to February 15, 2019.
The event, organised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, is to focus on urban livelihoods and extending the outreach of National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) to the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable, and facilitate access of SHG members to the other government schemes.
We are also provided a task to organize rallies at all the cities & towns of our designated area. The SHG members across cities participated in a state level rally to spread awareness about DAY-NULM. The rally was organized on 1st February from Gandhi Circle. JLN Marg to Jawahar Kala Kendra at Jaipur. More than 600 women of SHGs developed by us at Kota & Tonk districts participated in this rally.

Rally at Malpura
Similarly we also organized rallies at Kota, Tonk, Malpura, Niwai, Deoli & Todaraisaingh. The rally was taken out by SHG members of these areas.
Around 600 SHGs & ALFs participated in these rallies. The rallies were led by respective chairpersons/ Executive Officers / Project managers, Urban Community Development & the senior staff of HCMs. The rally in Malpura is green flagged by Chairperson, Nagar Palika Malpura
Our Over All Achievements Under SHG program:-
- We have developed 640 SHGs with the help of NABARD in Jaipur & Tonk districts. & Empowered more than 7000 rural and deprived women.
- Similarly we have developed 652 SHGs under Deendayal Antyoday Yojana –NULM in the district Kota & Tonk.
- Except it we have Covered 10 districts of Rajasthan (Bundi, Dausa, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Karuali, Kota, Pratapgarh, Sawai Madhopur, Tonk, Sikar)
- Organised 1527 SHGs
- The women of these SHGs are engaged in Essence-Stick making, Dung Products making, Paper Bags Making, Sewing, Packaging, Dress Making, Dairy, Organic Cultivation, Trading of Sanitary Napkins & other cosmetics, Aari Taari work, Gota Zari Work, Black & White Phenyl, Hand Wash, Liquid Detergent, Purses, Bags, Folders, and other local handicrafts.
- The members of the SHGs are trained in appropriate Skill. They are also trained in financial inclusion & provide knowledge of ongoing central & state government programes
Present Practices:-
- Engaged in credit linkages for better development in personal business.
- Market Linkage through Buyer Seller Meet & Exhibitions.
- Creation of marketing facilities to the products at national and international level.
- To develop consumer and producer relationship for better earning.
- Working with women community, especially with SC, ST, Minority class
Future Goals :-
- More intervention of women in development process.
- Development of entrepreneurship skills in normal Indian women
- Mainstreaming of skilled but resource less women
- We are taking more projects in Jaipur, Dausa districts under NULM.
- Our target is to reach 5000 more women in the financial year 2019-20
HCMS is focused on addressing sex discrimination issues leading to gender disparities in different sector of rural and urban society. For mitigating these disparities HCMS has conducted different practices at rural level. HCMS has strong orientation towards women empowerment with the formulation of Self-Help Groups. HCMS started work on the path of women empowerment from 2006-07 and created 1527 SHGs in different district of Rajasthan. Every group has 10 to 15 members, it means HCMS has collected about 20,000 women under its banner and push them on the path of empowerment. They are become financially strong and solving their problems with the help of their group and supporting each other in their problems. This cooperation and coordination make them economically and socially strong. Today these deprived women are feeling more dignified life in the society by the practices of HCMS and its staff. These group formations are supported by NABARD.