Poor People Livelihood

Our Livelihoods programs have focus of driving poverty reduction. Our aim to increase people's control of their natural resources, build reliable and fair access to food, and empower the extreme poor through increasing the skills, knowledge and resources they need.

A livelihood is sustainable when it can balance with and rural population will sustain from the stresses and malnutrition or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future also, without undergoing the natural resource base.

Small-scale agriculture plays a key factor in the inclusive rural transformation process, as it represents the backbone of the rural and urban sector in most parts of the India and world, with some ten lakh small farmer farms in Rajasthan providing livelihoods to more than 6.89 crores people of Rajasthan. Unfortunately, all too often, farmers producers are constrained by poor connectivity to markets, lack of access to key services (e.g. training, finance, information technology, inputs) and the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. In our countries, small farmer agriculture has suffered from insufficient investment and policies to address these challenges. Moreover, the quality and modalities of investment matter greatly for the success of rural farmer and policies implementation in this sector.